Welcome to WhatToDoWithYou!


We are 5 students from Digital Arts and Entertainment and will be making a small platformer for the following few months :). 
Our names are Rebecca, Seppe, Yoran, Elias, and Jonas. Elias and Jonas will be focusing on the programming part while Rebecca, Seppe, and Yoran will be doing the artwork. 
What To Do With You is a skill-based platformer where you, the character, have died. However, You're not in heaven, nor in hell, you're in purgatory. You'll be able to choose between 2 movement styles / ability sets. The Angel-Form (AF) , and the Demon-Form (DF). For example: in the AF you'll be able to use a dash to make further and higher jumps while in DF you will be able to swing from platforms instead. It is the player's job to find the best way to finish each level and move on to the next.

There are a few questions we've already answered:
1. First of all the big question: Which engine will we use? All of us have decided to use unreal engine. Why? Well those are some other questions that we've answered.

We have made a few different prototypes, both in unity and in unreal, specifically to answer these questions and decide which engine to use:

2. Lighting: We've tried making the same exact lighting setup in both engines to test which engine we prefer. Our conclusion was that Unreal engine is way faster for baking light which will reduce time spent on this subject.

3.Materials/shaders: We made basic materials in Unity and Unreal Engine. With the freedom of the nodes in Unreal Engine and easy implementing of parameters that can instantly be changed, makes the creation of the materials a lot more flexible. We had trouble making more special kind of materials, for example: light emitting materials. We had a lot of trouble finding the right plugin to get a post-processing layer to add as a component for the camera in our scene.

4. We also want to use fog in the background and have tested this in both engines. We concluded that both engines are pretty strong at this department. They both have quick and easy ways to set up and modify fog in the background. However, UE4 takes the win with its volumetric fog and extra tweakability.

5. This question is more mechanics-based. For our dash, we want to have a quick and powerful motion, but we don't want to take away control from our player. How will we fix this? momentum falloff. Basically when you are in mid air and stop giving any inputs the momentum of the character will greatly decrease, giving more control to the player. Ofcourse this will be getting tweaked over the course of the following months. 

In the attachments you'll be able to find a screenshot from a prototype of a level we made. Keep in mind that this is not our artstyle.
You'll also find a prototype / guideline for our characterdesign (So not at all final). this is just a silhouette for now though :).

You will also find a prototype build with the very basic of the Angel Form abilities. In this build, you can walk around in a sandbox and check out the Angel Dash and throw your Halo. It is recommended to use a controller while playing! (At the moment, only XBox controller support is available. In case you only have a PS4 controller, you should check out https://inputmapper.com/ to convert your PS4 inputs to XBox inputs). Walk around using the left thumbstick, jump (and dash in mid-air) with the A button and throw your halo with the X button.

In upcoming updates, we will add the Demon Form and you will be able to swing around!

We hope to see you again soon! -The Dev Team


CharacterDesignPrototype.png 140 kB
Feb 21, 2021
Level Screenshot.png 2.8 MB
Feb 21, 2021

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