Week 05 of WhatToDoWithYou

Hello again! And welcome to our game WhatToDoWithYou!

As always in these devlogs we'll start by going over our advancements in the technical aspect of our game.
First of all: when switching forms you will actually see the mesh change from our angel-character to our demon-character and vice versa. 

We also have working hazards now! When you collide with one of these the player will die and respawn at the latest checpoint, also you can not swing from a hazard.

You might have noticed a stretched angel flying in mid-air in the previous GIF. Well this actually has a use... sort of. Basically, it is a breakable rock, which you can break by pressing X when in mid-air in the demon-mode. Why is it a stretched out angel? It's used as a placeholder until we have a better-fitting mesh. :)


Our swing now has a set length which it will always snap to. 

And last but not least: our camera has also gotten a bit of love! The camera should now stay inside a certain level and lerp over to the next when hitting the new checkpoint. This feature is still a work in progress and sometimes the camera still goes out of bounds but don't worry, we're working on it!

So that was it for the technical aspect of our game! Let's start with the art aspect now.

Good news! Both our angel- and demon-character are textured now!

We have also created our playable platforms and some fences to go with them.

And we have also created some rocks, and a shader for our ethereal platform!

But what else does an environment need? foliage! We created some variants of grass brushes to fill up our levels.

And at the front of this image you can also see our fire-particle which we will use for the fire hazard. Below is an animated GIF of this particle effect.

That's it for this devlog, and we all hope to see you again next week!

Until then!

-The WhatToDoWithYou dev team


WhatToDoWithYou_0_4.zip 104 MB
Mar 21, 2021

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