Week 04 Of WhatToDoWithYou

Hello again! And welcome to our game WhatToDoWithYou!

This week we have a lot to show off so we'll start off right away!

Mechanics-wise we have once again implemented our ethereal platforms. Normally, you can pass right through these platforms. However, when you throw your halo at them, they will be tangible and you are able to collide with them.

Next, we have also implemented the swinging mechanic in demon-form. 


We've also made a lot of progress from the art side of the project! First of all we finalised our designs of the angel and demon-form. 

Not only have we made the designs, but we've already started modeling the characters as well!

We're still busy designing masks for both of our characters so these should be added by next week!

We've also been busy making some of our hazards which you can see here.

And last but not least... We've also started making some level designs. Now, we don't want to spoil everything so we'll only show 2 of our concepts.

This is about it for this week. I hope you're all looking forward to next week as much as we are!

Until then!

-The WhatToDoWithYou dev team

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