Week 02 Of WhatToDoWithYou

Hello again! And Welcome to our game WhatToDoWithYou!

We are back with our weekly announcement to give you guys some info about our progression in the development of our game. 

First and foremost, we have made a little prototype of our game that already has a few main mechanics. In our new build, you will be able to switch between the angel- and demon-form. Both these forms come with some abilities unique to them. For example: 

The angel can use a mid-air dash to propel himself forward. This gives him the ability to cross gaps which are otherwise impossible to jump over. 

He can also throw his halo. This halo can interact with objects in the world to achieve various effects. Currently, we only have an ethereal platform. This platform is transparent and the player will fall right through it unless the halo is thrown into it. Doing so will power the platform making it materialse and interactable. 

Our demon has the special ability to swing from platforms, which allows him to make jumps that the angel wouldn't be able to. However, you do need a platform to latch on to ;).

The demon is also immune to fire and can use his "stomp" ability. This ability allows him to quickly gain downward momentum. 

Now, this is cool and all, but the visuals don't really look appealing yet. Luckily we've been working on that too! We're happy to let you guys know we've made an artbible to pinpoint exactly what our visuals will look like. Here are a few screencaptures to give you a little taste:

With all this in place, the real production of WhatToDoWithYou can finally start! 
Until next week!


WhatToDoWithYou_0_2.zip 126 MB
Feb 28, 2021

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